Stand up people
who can talk the talk
Just That
Inspiration Events
We’ve met some inspiring people along the way and are in awe of their talent to move and inspire us.
So we invite them to take the stage in our Inspiration Events. Prepare yourself for some breakthrough talks that gets your mojo moving.

Stand up people
who can talk the talk
Just That
Inspiration Events
We’ve met some inspiring people along the way and are in awe of their talent to move and inspire us.
So we invite them to take the stage in our Inspiration Events. Prepare yourself for some breakthrough talks that gets your mojo moving.
You just need to hear it to believe it.
Do yourself (and maybe your team) a favour and book a seat for a Just That Inspiration Events. We only invite world class speakers that already inspired us. Now it’s your turn to learn, grow and break out of your communication comfort zone.
These Just That Inspiration Events carry a fixed price with the option to attend dinner.
Exclusief business event
Rally rijden en communicatie:
wat hebben ze gemeen?
Op donderdag 20 februari organiseren we een exclusief business event bij Globachem in Sint-Truiden, waar we rally en communicatie op een unieke manier samenbrengen. Met Thomas Martens, aka The Ginger One, als gast en een comedyshow van Yannick Noben belooft het een inspirerende en plezierige avond te worden!
- 19:30 – Ontvangst
- 20:00 – Welkomstwoord (Thomas Martens & Just That)
- 20:15 – Comedy met Yannick Noben
- 21:30 – Netwerkdrink
- 23:00 – Einde
- 20 february 2025

This is what we are good at.
Open Master Trainings
How to communicate better with the world.
A series of mind blowing experiences on the road to mastering the art of communication. Gets under your skin. Still, good fun.
In-company Trainings
You’ll remember these afterwards, trust us.
On- or off-site communication trainings for businesses and organisations. Stuff that hits you in the face, but in a good way.