In gedachten gevangen

02/12 – Oude gevangenis Hasselt

De ene heeft zich over de hele wereld vrijwillig laten opsluiten. De andere heeft onterecht 4,5 jaar achter tralies in Marokko doorgebracht. Jan de Cock en Joseph Oubelkas weten dus wel waar ze over spreken. Beiden vanuit een heel eigen perspectief maar ook met beklijvende overeenkomsten. Samen brengen ze voor Just That hun verhaal.

In gedachten gevangen

02/12 – Oude gevangenis Hasselt

De ene heeft zich over de hele wereld vrijwillig laten opsluiten. De andere heeft onterecht 4,5 jaar achter tralies in Marokko doorgebracht. Jan de Cock en Joseph Oubelkas weten dus wel waar ze over spreken. Beiden vanuit een heel eigen perspectief maar ook met beklijvende overeenkomsten. Samen brengen ze voor Just That hun verhaal.

Het programma voor wie geinspireerd wilt worden.


Op het programma: het vier muren regime
Jan de Cock is een bijzondere man. Geestelijk verzorger in een Antwerps ziekenhuis. Gevangenbezoeker over de hele wereld. Vluchtelingenhelper in zijn eigen huis. Van al zijn reizen naar gevangenissen – en vrijwillige opsluitingen – heeft hij geleerd dat de mens altijd meer is dan het goede en het slechte dat hij of zij doet. Cynisme is aan hem niet besteed, maar noem hem niet wereldvreemd want hij komt met verhalen en verrassende inzichten.

Joseph Oubelkas is al even bijzonder. Hij zat 1637 dagen onterecht vast in Marokkaanse gevangenissen. Maar hij is niet als slachtoffer teruggekeerd. Geen depressieve gedachten, geen haat tegen het onrecht. Wel met 400 brieven van zijn moeder onder de arm waaruit hij de kracht heeft geput om anders te gaan denken en dankbaar te zijn. Zijn inzichten geven kippenvel omwille van de onverwachte positiviteit in de boodschap.

18.00u – Dinner Date
Voor iedereen die na het werk nog een hapje wilt eten met collega-ondernemers. Een menu voor leuke babbels. Niet zo een netwerker? Vrees niet, we doen plezante introducties onder het motto ‘niet geschoten is altijd mis’.

19.30u – Ontvangst Inspiration Session
Even opwarmen voor we samen opgesloten worden door Jan en Joseph.

20.00u – Start Inspiration Session
De ex-gevangenen nemen het over. Geloof ons maar, het gaat zeker de moeite waard zijn. Wees gerust, na afloop laten we iedereen terug vrij.

21.30u – Share the wow-feeling
Bekom rustig van de keynote en spreek er over met de andere aanwezigen. Wij zorgen voor drankjes, sfeer en gezelligheid. Want het is een plezante avond, toch?

23.00u – The end
Mijmeren over hoe inspirerend de avond was en je al afvragen wanneer je aan een volgend event van Just That kan deelnemen.

Dinner Date: €60 excl. BTW
Inspiration Session: €135 excl. BTW

Opgelet: Je kan niet alleen maar naar de Dinner Date komen, deze is altijd in combinatie te boeken met de Inspiration Session. Je kan wel opteren om enkel naar de Inspiration Session te komen.
Inschrijven voor het diner kan t.e.m. zondag 24 november.
Annuleren van jouw inschrijving kan tot en met zondag 24 november, erna zal een no show fee van €60 voor het diner en €135 voor de Inspiratiesessie aangerekend worden.


Time to get your feet wet.

Your certified life guards.

I’ll keep asking questions till you figure out the answer.

Koen Martens

Koen is a serial entrepreneur and great in business development. He can read people as good as balance sheets. And he is Yoda-level in Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Think of me as the circus ringleader.

Jana Willems

Jana is an enthusiastic corporate manager turned entrepreneur. She combines her master’s degree in applied economics with extensive training in leadership, communication and personal development. She brings energy and lots of experience as a certified Insights trainer. Talk to her about everything regarding Just That. Bring a cup of decent tea.
Sabine Put

I’m the one connecting all the dots with a pink glitter pen.

Sabine Put

Sabine loves to mingle with like-minded maniacs. Rely on her to spark a conversation and turn any networking chit-chat in a fun evening. Beware, she is a force of nature and will get you excited.

Things to know.

It’s okay to have questions. This Inspiration Session may provide you with some answers but also with some new questions. That said, we’ve bundled the most common practical questions we get from our friends in this FAQ.

Who is the intended audience for this Inspiration Session?

We aim to please entrepreneurs, managers and whole teams who want to broaden their mind and skillset.

What’s in it for me?

Well, that depends on you. We provide a first class speaker, a great location and the possibility to learn and interact with like-minded people. So it’s really up to you what you take away from this experience. But we’re pretty sure it will be awesome.

Where will this Inspiration Session take place?

On Monday, October 23th the Inspiration Session will take place in Thor Park in Genk. The second night is on Monday, November 20th in Noordlink in Lommel.

Where can I find an overview of everything that Just That offers?

Lucky for you, we’ve put together a complete list right here.

Is there a special dress code?

Not really. Showing up does the trick for us. But we do give bonus points for wearing a full wet suit with snorkel and flippers.

There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.

This is what we are good at.

Open Master Trainings

How to communicate better with the world.

A series of mind blowing experiences on the road to mastering the art of communication. Gets under your skin. Still, good fun.

In-company Trainings

You’ll remember these afterwards, trust us.

On- or off-site communication trainings for businesses and organisations. Stuff that hits you in the face, but in a good way.

Inspiration Events

The kind of people that get you out of your seat.

We present to you some stand up people who can talk the talk. They also walk the walk.

What others say about us.

Just That taught me to communicate better with myself and with others. One of their great qualities is that they are very open to feedback from participants, which they incorporate in a positive way in their services.

Joke Christoffels

Groep Christoffels

Up until the Just That seminars I wasn’t always aware of my communication with others. The combination of psychological theory and practical exercises makes it a fun learning curve. You really want to try out what you’ve picked up with family, friends and colleagues.

Daisy Romih


The magic of good communication can be found in conscious positive interaction. I quickly felt a connection with the trainers and other entrepreneurs and have implemented the THINK-method with success in my daily life.

Tom Cox

Any Green

I always aim to improve as an entrepreneur and as a human being. My experience with Just That is that it all works just a bit differently in their professional, personal and innovating approach. By the end of every day, everybody shares stories, forging a strong bond between participants.

Erdal Arslan


I would define Just That as ‘guilt-free quality me-time for entrepreneurs’. Stepping out of the daily rat race is really useful. Afterwards, I can go back to my family and work feeling inspired and energized.

Marion Sterckx


I’m always eager to learn about our ways of thinking and communication. After every session I feel I’ve grown as a person and as an entrepreneur. But beware: make sure you open your mind to the uncommon ways of Just That. Oh, and have fun.

Ilse Dalemans

Yes Communication

What others say about us.

Just That taught me to communicate better with myself and with others. One of their great qualities is that they are very open to feedback from participants, which they incorporate in a positive way in their services.

Joke Christoffels

Groep Christoffels

Up until the Just That seminars I wasn’t always aware of my communication with others. The combination of psychological theory and practical exercises makes it a fun learning curve. You really want to try out what you’ve picked up with family, friends and colleagues.

Daisy Romih


The magic of good communication can be found in conscious positive interaction. I quickly felt a connection with the trainers and other entrepreneurs and have implemented the THINK-method with success in my daily life.

Tom Cox

Any Green

I always aim to improve as an entrepreneur and as a human being. My experience with Just That is that it all works just a bit differently in their professional, personal and innovating approach. By the end of every day, everybody shares stories, forging a strong bond between participants.

Erdal Arslan


I would define Just That as ‘guilt-free quality me-time for entrepreneurs’. Stepping out of the daily rat race is really useful. Afterwards, I can go back to my family and work feeling inspired and energized.

Marion Sterckx


I’m always eager to learn about our ways of thinking and communication. After every session I feel I’ve grown as a person and as an entrepreneur. But beware: make sure you open your mind to the uncommon ways of Just That. Oh, and have fun.

Ilse Dalemans

Yes Communication