Pigs can fly and
you are a master in communication.
The Art of Communication
In this exclusive series, we go on a soul-searching quest to uncover the secrets of communication.
Sounds cool, but we hate to burst your bubble. There are no secrets. We all know how to communicate but just forgot it along the way. No worries, we’ll make you remember again.
Pigs can fly and
you are a master in communication.
The Art of Communication
In this exclusive series, we go on a soul-searching quest to uncover the secrets of communication.
Sounds cool, but we hate to burst your bubble. There are no secrets. We all know how to communicate but just forgot it along the way. No worries, we’ll make you remember again.
A series of mastering communication.
The Art of Communication Master Training is your launching platform for personal and professional growth. We throw you in the deep with a scientific approach to what communication actually is.
We are dead serious in our approach but also keep it fun and practical. And we’ll guarantee you walk away after each module feeling energised. If not, you don’t pay us. That’s right, these small group seminars are ‘pay what you think is fair’. Simple, honest, just that.
Discover and master the science behind good communication.
Just pick what tickles your mind.
The Art of Communication
New — Goalsetting – define, visualize and share
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Leer hoe je krachtige, goed geformuleerde doelen stelt die concreet en haalbaar zijn.
- Ontdek de kracht van visualisatietechnieken om je zakelijke visie levendig voor te stellen. Versterk je motivatie, verbeter besluitvorming en versnel de weg naar succes door een duidelijk beeld van je doelen te creëren.
- Krijg waardevolle feedback en advies van je groep.
- 13 January 2025
The Art of Communication
6th edition — The Core Principles of Communication Mastery
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Ontdek de basisprincipes van communicatie en hoe het jou (en anderen) bewust en onbewust beïnvloedt.
- Leer meer over je eigen zelfbeeld en persoonlijke overtuigingen, wat leidt tot effectiever leiderschap en weloverwogen besluitvorming.
- Verhoog je bewustzijn van verbale- en nonverbale signalen, wat resulteert in doeltreffende en empathische communicatie met teamleden, klanten en stakeholders.
- 27 & 28 January 2025
The Art of Communication
2nd edition — The Power of Language
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Ontdek hoe je door scherpe vragen te stellen de essentie onthult, misverstanden voorkomt en helderheid bevordert in zakelijke interacties.
- Verbeter de precisie van je boodschappen, waardoor je effectiever kunt leiden, onderhandelen en inspireren.
- Ontdek hoe je woorden strategisch kunt inzetten, waardoor je invloed vergroot. Bereik positieve verandering door het onbewuste denken van anderen aan te spreken.
- 27 & 28 March 2025
The Art of Communication
7th edition — The Core Principles of Communication Mastery
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Ontdek de basisprincipes van communicatie en hoe het jou (en anderen) bewust en onbewust beïnvloedt.
- Leer meer over je eigen zelfbeeld en persoonlijke overtuigingen, wat leidt tot effectiever leiderschap en weloverwogen besluitvorming.
- Verhoog je bewustzijn van verbale- en nonverbale signalen, wat resulteert in doeltreffende en empathische communicatie met teamleden, klanten en stakeholders.
- 8 & 9 May 2025
The Art of Communication
New — Master Training in NLP for Business.
More info soon!
- 22 & 23 May 2025
The Art of Communication
2nd edition — The Impact of Creating Rapport
More info soon!
- 18 & 19 September 2025
The Art of Communication
8th edition — The Core Principles of Communication Mastery
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Ontdek de basisprincipes van communicatie en hoe het jou (en anderen) bewust en onbewust beïnvloedt.
- Leer meer over je eigen zelfbeeld en persoonlijke overtuigingen, wat leidt tot effectiever leiderschap en weloverwogen besluitvorming.
- Verhoog je bewustzijn van verbale- en nonverbale signalen, wat resulteert in doeltreffende en empathische communicatie met teamleden, klanten en stakeholders.
- 9 & 10 October 2025
The Art of Communication
New — Master Training in NLP for Business.
More info soon!
- 27 & 28 November 2025
You’ll learn from one of these experts.
I’ll keep asking questions till you figure out the answer.
Koen Martens
Koen is a serial entrepreneur and great in business development. He can read people as good as balance sheets. And he is Yoda-level in Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Think of me as the circus ringleader.
Jana Willems
Always on the rocks.
Daniel Kluken
I love to pick your brain.
Bogdan Matei
Bogdan is a rebel psychiatrist with an exceptional interest in untangling minds and the way we (think we) communicate. He always has stories and poetry to share.
Get your invite.
Every Just That Open Master Training is an adventure spanning a couple of months or even years. We choose to work intensely with small groups of like-minded people. For every session there are only a limited amount of seats available.
If you are interested in following a course, you can apply for it by sending us a simple email. We’ll get in touch with you soon!
Don’t worry, nice people here.
This is what we are good at.
Open Master Trainings
How to communicate better with the world.
A series of mind blowing experiences on the road to mastering the art of communication. Gets under your skin. Still, good fun.
In-company Trainings
You’ll remember these afterwards, trust us.
On- or off-site communication trainings for businesses and organisations. Stuff that hits you in the face, but in a good way.
Things to know.
It’s okay to have questions. Our Open Master Trainings may provide you with some answers but also with some new questions. That said, we’ve bundled the most common practical questions we get from our friends in this FAQ.
Who is the intended audience for the Open Master Trainings?
Our Open Master Trainings are open for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to broaden their mind and skillset.
What do you mean with ‘Pay what you think is fair’?
Exactly what it says. Our Master Seminars do not have a fixed price point. We let you decide yourself afterwards what the experience was worth to you. And you can pay us that amount, no questions asked.
Our Business Trainings for companies do carry a fixed price tag. They are ‘Pay what we agreed upon’ instead of ‘Pay what you think is fair’.
What’s in it for me?
We’ll be blunt: a Just That Master Seminar or Business Training is no miracle solution or a ‘quick-win’ management thingy. However, if you want to challenge yourself and want to evolve as a (business) person then you’re welcome to join us. We’ll guarantee you walk away positively flabbergasted. Cool, always wanted to use that word.
Do I have to participate in all modules in the order you present?
Yes and no. In the first two modules of The Flying Pig we take you through the basics. So those two modules you need to follow first when you start your career as a Flying Pig. From that point on (modules 3-8), you are free to choose which module you want to take and when. There is no particular order in them. Hey, you can even follow certain modules twice or more if you want to freshen up your skills.
Where do I point Waze to?
Where can I find an overview of everything that Just That offers?
Lucky for you, we’ve put together a complete list right here.
Can pigs really fly?
Yes, right at the time when hell freezes over. Hey, it worked for The Eagles. Wrap your head around that.
There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.