Mastering the art of communication.
Just That
Master Program
A series of mind blowing experiences where business owners learn how to communicate better with themselves, with others and with the world.
Mastering the art of communication.
Just That
Master Program
A series of mind blowing experiences where business owners learn how to communicate better with themselves, with others and with the world.
Why do we communicate so poorly?
Did you ever think that ‘if people here would communicate better, it would all work out without a problem’? Welcome to the club. Communication is key, especially in a business context.
People need to see it to believe it. Hear the story right. Touch base on a certain subject. And get a taste for what’s right. These Just That Master Seminars are exactly what you need.
Discover and master the science behind good communication.
The Art of Communication
Business Trip
Get on a plane to Bucharest with a bunch of other wild entrepreneurs to visit the big BRAND MINDS event. You will be fuelled by amazing ideas and empowering business strategies. All brought to you by experts in different fields.
Get your invite.
Every Just That Master Seminar is an adventure spanning a couple of months or even years. We choose to work intensely with small groups of like-minded people. For every session there are only a limited amount of seats available.
If you are interested in following a course, you can apply for it by sending us a simple email. We’ll get in touch with you soon!
Don’t worry, nice people here.
Check your calendar.
The Art of Communication
Conscious communication
Dit mag je verwachten:
- Ontdek de basisprincipes van communicatie en hoe het jou (en anderen) bewust en onbewust beïnvloedt
- Leer meer over je eigen zelfbeeld en persoonlijke overtuigingen, wat leidt tot effectiever leiderschap en weloverwogen besluitvorming.
- Verhoog je bewustzijn van verbale- en nonverbale signalen, wat resulteert in doeltreffende en empathische communicatie met teamleden, klanten en stakeholders.
- 29 Februari & 1 March 2024
Inspiration Sessions
Jos Burgers
Jos Burgers heeft geen plechtige introductie nodig. Wij denken zelfs dat hij dan al lachend gewoon zijn boeltje terug zou inpakken. Want Jos is gewoon Jos, een bijzonder aimabele spreker en succesauteur die zijn publiek altijd meeneemt op een reis naar verandering. Daarbij gebruikt hij humor en talloze anekdotes als zijn wapens in leerrijke verhalen over werk, klanten en collega’s.
- 25 March 2024
Business Trip
Master Business Trip
The business festival with amazing speakers, great surroundings and nice people.
- 23 – 25 September 2024
Calendar stuff from this point on.
Things to know.
It’s okay to have questions. Our Master Seminars may provide you with some answers but also with some new questions. That said, we’ve bundled the top practical questions we get from our friends in this FAQ.
Who is the intended audience for the Master Seminars?
Our Master Seminars are open for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to broaden their mind and skillset.
What do you mean with ‘Pay what you think is fair’?
Exactly what it says. Our Master Seminars do not have a fixed price point. We let you decide yourself afterwards what the experience was worth to you. And you can pay us that amount, no questions asked.
Our Business Trainings for companies do carry a fixed price tag. They are ‘Pay what we agreed upon’ instead of ‘Pay what you think is fair’.
What’s in it for me?
We’ll be blunt: a Just That Master Seminar or Business Training is no miracle solution or a ‘quick-win’ management thingy. However, if you want to challenge yourself and want to evolve as a (business) person then you’re welcome to join us. We’ll guarantee you walk away positively flabbergasted. Cool, always wanted to use that word.
Where do I point Waze to?
All our Master Seminars take place in the beautiful surroundings of the domain La Butte Aux Bois in Lanaken (Belgium). The location for Business Trainings is determined together with the applicant company. Our Keynote Sessions take place in different locations and we’ll announce the specific location for each speaker separately.
Where can I find an overview of everything that Just That offers?
There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.